As 2008 has now officially begun it's time to do a brief year in review - so what better way than with my Top 7 of '07. Just so no one is offended by the following list it has been organised in chronological order as I couldn't distinguish between the top of the top. They were all great moments!
1) Mum and Hayley visit Paris (January and February 2007)

This was definately a top moment in the year!! It was so great to have my mum with me after having been through quite a difficult 6 months of trying to settle into this crazy city. To see a familiar face and to be mothered after difficult times was incredibly nice. Of course Hayley was an added bonus! She came as a surprise - which turned out to be not so much of a surprise - but it was fantastic nevertheless. One of the most important things for me was to be able to share my new life with my family. It's always difficult when you're travelling, living abroad, experiencing a new lifestyle etc to be able to explain this to the people back home. Words don't really do the experience or the place justice. To have my mum and my sister live with me, see my apartment, my new friends, my French friends (from the ever-so-talked-about Toronto exchange), my new city, hear me speak French and just be around was something I'll never forget.

2) Trip to Malmo (May 2007)

This trip marked my first time out of Paris since July 2006 - a long awaited break! It is always an absolute pleasure to see Lisa and to spend time with her. It was awesome to see another Swedish city and to stay in the new apartment that Lisa had bought. Malmo is a really great city and it was so nice to be near the water again.....even if it's not the beach. Going to Malmo also meant that I got to spend a day in Copenhagen as it is cheaper to fly into Denmark from Paris. I love Copenhagen and the shopping and I was once again not disappointed. Just hanging out, picnicing, shopping and enjoying the sunshine with friends was enough to recharge my batteries. I must admit, after leaving Paris, even for 5 days, coming back was a rude shock....I forgot how sometimes Paris can feel a bit suffocating.
3) My new job (July 2007)

I guess if I had to pick a turning point in the year for me this would be it! Up until this point I was loving everything about my life in Paris except my job. I was tired of English teaching and found myself waking up every day and not wanting to go to work - I forgot how important it is to enjoy what you do in life. On the 9th of July 2007 I started working at France 24 and since then I can honestly say life has been great! I love what I do, I love the people I work with, I love the atmosphere, the motivation, the commitment to what we're doing and it's a pleasure going to work everyday (except of course when it means I have to miss out on an awesome party or something). I worked in a variety of positions for a little over 4 months as a freelancer and then I was offered a permanent full time position as Assistant Producer. Things just keep getting better and better on the work front.
4) Trip to Nogent-le-Rotrou (July/August 2007)

This week in the countryside was the most relaxing week of 2007! A week spent with French friends in Florence's amazing family home in Le Perche. I have never eaten so well and been so indulged. I just read books and wrote letters in the glorious sunshine whilst I was brought fruit cocktails freshly squeezed with fruit and vegetables from the garden and provided with gourmet meals twice a day. It was definately bliss.
5) Kate's birthday visit to Paris (November 2007)

Catching up with great friends from home is always a highlight and to be able to celebrate a mutual birthday is even more special. Kate is of course a wonderful Australian friend who conveniently happens to be born on the same day as me! However this was the first time in history that Kate and I were able to be in the same country and celebrate our birthday together. We spent a great week eating, cathching up, partying, visiting Paris, and enjoying the company of the Toronto clan - Guénaelle, Olivier, Christian, Lisa, Kate, Ombeline and the latest addition - Ombeline's son Arthus.
6) Trip to Gap (December 2007)

Spending time with Guénaelle is one of my favourite things to do and spending time with family is also right up there on the list. So to be able to spend time with Guéna and a family (even if it wasn't my own) was fantastic. It might not have been Christmas day, but it was close enough. We certainly ate as if it were Christmas.....enough pastries, chocolates and sweets to rival Willy Wonka. Once again being out of Paris was a nice change - to be able to relax, sleep, breathe in fresh air, and admire the stars (which due to pollution aren't visible in Paris) was a treat. We also went snowboarding which was great fun. I was pretty crap as it's been a while since I've done it, and so I'm still covered in bruises, but it was worth the pain - I forgot how fun snowboarding can be. The time passed too quickly as usual and I wish I was still down in Gap now. Guéna's family are absolutely lovely and generous and I was spoilt with presents and wonderful home cooked meals.

7) Becoming fluent in French
I put this one at the end as I can't really place a time frame on it - I certainly consider it an ongoing process. Whilst I still feel I have a long way to go to becoming bilingual, I can confidently say that I speak fluent French. I still make mistakes and I still have a great deal to learn but I no longer have too many problems expressing myself. And I understand everything which certainly is a big change from 2006. It's funny, you don't know when it happens, but it just does....Suddenly you find yourself going to the cinema, the theatre, watching TV, listening to the radio, reading books and understanding everything that's going on in a language which used to seem so completely foreign....definately a satisfying sensation.
Of course there were a lot of other fantastic moments from the year which didn't make the list - 7 moments can't really summarise a whole year. So many other wonderful people visited and there were lots of parties, dinners, concerts, laughs and fun times that will certainly not be forgotten. So thank you to all of the people who made 2007 the best year of my life yet. Bring on 2008!