Last week I stepped outside Paris and went somewhere else in France for the first time since I arrived here last year - I know I'm hopeless - France is the country I have seen the least and I live here! Anyway, I went with some friends to a small town called Nogent-le-Rotrou in an area called Le Perche, which is about an hour and a half south-west of Paris.
There were 4 of us who stayed in my friend Florence's country house.

I had a fantastic time doing absolutely nothing!! Its been a long time since I have been able to just relax and laze about. It was a week of sunshine, food, drink, french and english lessons, setting lawn mowers on fire, more food, cards, music, badminton, more food, friends, good times, reading and did I mention food? Florence and Matthieu are amazing cooks and I was spoilt all week with incredible meals for breakfast lunch and dinner.
The meals were the tastiest ever because they were made with fruit and veggies from the garden.
Although, when the gas ran out on the last night, we had to use the fireplace as a makeshift BBQ - it took a long time but the food tasted great!!
When we weren't eating (a rare event) it was nice to just breathe in the fresh country air, remember that stars do in fact exist (not in Paris people) and admire the view of the endless wheat fields.
It really was a heavenly week! I'm looking forward to going again within the year.
1 commentaire:
sounds amazing. I love the photos :]
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